Who you are : Chrisinda Scheideler
Community you call home: Scotia
How you became involved with LVCI: I am on the Valley County Community Foundation Fund and when we started talking about getting a group together to help solve the need for childcare, I jumped at the chance to be a part of it.
Why is it important to you: Being a teacher, I want all children to have the chance to succeed and that starts with a good education early on. I also want to see more young people return which means we need more childcare to support them for when they start families.
Your hope for this initiative: My hope for this initiative is to help existing childcare with their needs and help the community gain more childcare for their needs so that our community can thrive and grow.
Anything you would like the community to know about this initiative/early childcare: We are here for everyone and we are eager to help in any way we can.