Who you are : Dr. Heather Nebesniak. I am Superintendent of Ord Public Schools. In my educational career, I have taught Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and have been a District Reading Coordinator. Prior to coming to Ord, I was an Elementary Principal and the District Early Childhood Coordinator for the Ralston Public School District. I am one of the few Superintendents in the state that hold a degree in Early Childhood Education. My family consists of my husband Erin and our two children, Marlee and Deegan.
Community you call home: Ord
How you became involved with LVCI: I became involved with LVCI through numerous conversations with community leaders Melani Flynn and Kristina Foth. High-quality early childhood opportunities for children in our community is not only great for kids, but for their families as well.
Why is it important to you: LCVI is important to me as it takes a community effort to help our littlest of learners access great educational experiences in their early childhood years. Great things happen when conversations turn to ideas, which then turn into goals. Collectively, we have everything we need in our community for the goals of this committee to happen. Great People + Big Dreams = Goal Achievement!
Your hope for this initiative: My hope for this initiative is to provide awareness to the impact of high-quality early childhood programs on young children. Right now so much of our world is stuck in a "wait and see" holding pattern and it is hoped that the planning conversations that are happening now will develop into future experiences for our families.
Anything you would like the community to know about this initiative/early childcare: Early childhood education is a collaborative effort and great things are happening in homes, daycares, schools, and churches in our community. We are better together and LVCI provides opportunities for these essential entities in our community to come together!